1. Please email jurgen.geitner@uct.ac.za with the number of slides to be scanned, whether online storage is required or not, and your preferred dates. There is a base cost of R12.50 per slide scanned. The cost may be more for technically challenging and poorly prepared slides. Optional online storage of slides (so that they are viewable via a web browser) will cost R1.00 per slide, per month. The only exemption is for slides used in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education at UCT.
  2. Please complete the Olympus VS120 slide loader template.
  3. Bring your slides and Olympus VS120 slide loader template to the UCT Pathology Learning Centre. A qualified operator will digitise your slides at the required resolution. (Due to the high acquisition cost of the equipment, only qualified operators are allowed to to operate the Olympus VS120) 
  4. You will be notified once the slides have been scanned and an invoice will be sent to you. Slides will be uploaded to an online database if remote access is required.
  5. View your digital slides using one of the methods below:
    Download the Olympus OlyVIA 3.3 Slide Viewing Software for slides that are saved on your PC's hard drive.
    Login to one of our online slide databases using your assigned credentials. (No additional software required, but please use a modern web browser, e.g. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge.)